The power of prayer.

When That One Person Is You

One of the pitfalls of childhood  is that one doesn’t have to understand something to feel it.  By the time the mind is able to comprehend what has happened,  the wounds of the heart are already too deep.                                  …

The Problem with Labels

  I ate green stuff for lunch, my most ingenious concoction yet. This yogurt, fruit and green nutrient powder blend had zero-fat and only three hundred calories. Even more ingenious was how it slid down easily in my four-minute dash to lunch duty. Empowerment infused me just glancing over the display of vitamins, minerals and…

The Vanity in my Makeup 

“There are no grades of vanity, there are only grades of ability in concealing it.” Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898 I’ve been distracted lately, uncomfortably so. Newscasters, celebrities, models in magazines, even those who are never in a spotlight, have me wondering why everyone is so glow-y. Their bronzed faces and merging strips of illuminator with…

Swans on our Rhine River cruise--photographed in 2014

Why Language Theory Should Be a Required Course

Saturday I witnessed a conversation that went something like this: Husband: I’m concerned it will take something egregious for him to see the truth. Wife: Egregious? What? Husband: As in bad . . . Wife: I know, I know. So why didn’t you just say bad? Just talk so people can understand you. Don’t you…

How Cartoons Taught Me About the Wild World Beyond My Fenced-in Backyard

In our old house with all of its charming characteristics, unseen openings allow entrance for mice. The first time I noticed pieces of oatmeal in a little trail leading to the door of the attic, I thought “How precious.” I imagined the animated mice Jaq and Gus in Cinderella with their cheek pouches bulging and…

Searching in The Word

What Makes a Story Compelling to You?

The Compelling: “The Time I Let Myself be Taken Captive—Because I Didn’t Want to be Rude” by Megan Iacobini de Fazio caught my attention with its title. I identified with Fazio not being rude to my own detriment and already dreaded where she was going with it. I figured her outcome was good because she…

Creating a path

Up Close and Personal? Or So Far Away?

So much of our lives and our relationships are narrowed down or broadened by our perspective. Like artists who can paint the same scene in multiple ways, we also view life from our individual vantage points. Vantage point is all about the perspective where the artist is standing in relationship with a vanishing point in a…